Wednesday, August 10, 2011
taking the stage
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
The PHX bucket list
I suppose it is time that I "let the cat out of the bag." I am moving to Atlanta this fall for a job.
I have had a rough time the past year and a half, as the recession has taken its toll on all of us. The most troubling thing has been trying to find my purpose. Some people search for jobs, some for fame, and others for purpose. I am the latter. I can't be happy on this planet doing something menial. It must have substance and value. Money is acceptable, but money without purpose is meaningless to me.
So, I say all that to say, I believe I have found my calling. I am taking a job working in the film industry. I know that sounds like a fame-seeking role, and perhaps it does serve that, but I truly believe it is a calling. I would one day love to join the ranks of J.J. Abrams, Christopher Nolan and Peter Jackson, and be a visual storyteller for generations. That is my dream.
I feel the most responsible way to pursue this is to work my way up from the bottom, write scripts, and learn every angle of the industry. If they need an amazing lighting guy, then I will become that. If a great coffee maker is required, i'll learn to brew it the best. Whatever is needed, I want to be the best at it. For the first time in a decade, I feel completely motivated to succeed.
This job does change some things that I had intended to do future-wise: move to Portland in the spring, camp at the base of the Grand Canyon, etc. So, I feel it prudent to post a list of things that I would like to do before my time is up in the Valley. I welcome your help.
So, before I leave for ATL in October, here are some things (some more grandiose than others) that I would love to do before I go:
1) hike the Grand Canyon rim to rim again
2) visit Tombstone like a gawking tourist should
3) gorge myself at Liberty Market for dinner (perhaps multiple times)
4) spend a night in Hotel Congress
5) record a song with a great PHX music guru (Bob Hoag, Jim Adkins, etc.)
6) climb Squaw Peak and Camelback in the same day
7) take a boat ride on Tempe Town Lake
8) play a show at The Rhythm Room
9) spend a day working at Gangplank and at CoHoots
10) get my first tattoo to remind me of the change this place has made in me
11) grab a beer with Zack
12) watch all Harry Potter movies with Ms. Herr
I am so grateful to have lived in Phoenix while I have. I have made some of the best friends that I have ever had in my life here. Despite the hard times, I have been more blessed than I ever could have imagined. For me, life is measured in great moments, and by that measure, Phoenix has given me a full glass.
So, thank you to all of you who have shared my journey into the desert. I'm sure there will be more posts about this, but I wanted to share a list that is growing of what must be done before I leave. Feel free to add to it.
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
products of disarray
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Sunday, March 6, 2011
beauty in the simple
It seems today, with our influx of technology and information, we are so caught up in getting all of our messages parsed down into thesis statements or lists, we fail to see the mysterious allure that art and words should hold. Before the world bathed itself in instantaneous media, the theater and readings carried weight. Our hearts could be captured by a poem or by the brush strokes of an artist. When you take the art and beauty out of message, then it becomes cold and calculating, and no one can embrace that.
I guess what I'm going for with this is that we need to see the beauty in the simple things. If you don't find your beliefs or ideals beautiful, then have you callously made a formula of your passion? Have you condensed that which used to drive you into a system?
I imagine the audience that originally heard the story my teacher read, must have celebrated or sat in quiet contemplation. Someone conveyed their passion, and others eagerly and openly waited to hear what they had to say. If we honestly found beauty in passion, we might take each others words to heart as well.
Frequently, I will go to the movies by myself. I'm not doing it to be pathetic or creepy, I go so that I can allow a story to reach me. When you sit with others at a movie, it is easier to get distracted. I know Hollywood might not be serving up unbridled passion these days, but sometimes, beneath all the 3D and CGI, there exists a story or imagery that someone sweated over and put themselves into.
As a writer and an artist, you have to share yourself, insecurities and all, to paint the truest picture of your soul. And all of our souls have a beautiful message to relay, it just takes someone who will look past the cobwebs and flash to see what we really mean.
In all honesty, beauty is as simple as the next breath you take.
Friday, February 4, 2011
i belong
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
the day I became king
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Sinking even further into the moisture-rich valley, we start to level out for landing. Every widening river valley was consumed with fog, as if to stave off anyone who wished to enter. This was even moreso true of the valley that is home to Portland. From the plane, it was completely enveloped in fog and, at one point, it felt like we were just going to have to land on top of the clouds. After the plane parted the sea of cumulous, my eyes final set themselves on Portland. What a glorious sight it was indeed.
From the moment I arrived, I have not had even the slightest bad meal. First taste was a Youcanhazcheeseburger at the food truck called Brunch Box. Consider the fact that this was an angus patty between two grilled cheese sandwiches, and you understand my joy.
Since then we have enjoyed the flavors of Le Pigeon, Mothers Bistro and Pok Pok. Each one rated in the top meals of my life. Every bite tiptoeing the line between epic and heavenly.
There has also been copious amounts of beer. Considering the amount of breweries and the relentless beer culture here, it would be a travesty to not enjoy the bounty. Everywhere from Rogue to Deschutes, all of the hobs-laden beverages have been redonkulous. Heck, even the Southern OR Porter from the hotel bar was probably the best, smoothest dark beer I have had the pleasure of drinking.
We have even done some exploring. Last night, we drove up one of the west hills to Council Crest Park to look out over the city. It was exactly as Donald Miller described it. Peaceful and bustling all in one breath. Millions racing home and living their lives while the clouds, sky and setting sun played a beautiful symphony for no one.
I am convinced that this place is special. I can feel the creativity coursing through my veins here. I can sense hope and clarity here. I'm not sure what this all means yet though. There is a battle raging inside me as I type these thoughts. The most repeated question is: where do I go from here? Perhaps it will take a while to discover. Maybe, I need to feel the warmth of the Valley of the Sun to learn where my place is. Maybe, what brought me out of my eastern home initially is calling me back. Or maybe, I need to set my ship on a new course. A course of discovery and renewing.
Where I go from here has not been decided yet, but wherever that is, I feel it will become home.