Wednesday, December 11, 2013


When I look at the road ahead in my life, I can see countless trials and difficulties lying in wait. Even at the present moment, irritations and struggles are crouched in attack position, ready to devour me. What should I do?

Normally, my instincts take over and I do everything in my power to control all the situations, each hindrance as it comes. But, there comes a time when I can no longer fight, when I tire and curse the situation, when I doubt why I'm even on this road. The problem is the road I'm on is my own life. 

We are not built to carry stress and to endure endless hardship, yet our ship is set afloat in treacherous waters. Most of the time, if you are doing something right, you meet the most trouble along the way. Why, you ask? Because our world is not inherently good. And evil doesn't approve of the triumphs of good. Searching your own heart, you know when your intentions are good. 

I have recently learned (and I'm still learning) that I can not carry the weight of these burdens myself. In fact, they are not to be carried at all. When I try and control every aspect of my life, every time I am pulled down, crashing back to earth in defeat. The lesson: stop trying to control everything. Now, don't confuse relinquishing control with apathy. All of our lives have a purpose and we should be focused on their direction, but I'm talking about controlling all the irritants and trials along the way. 

If your focus is on the struggle, you'll lose sight of the goal every time.

We are a ship at sea. All we have is a rudder and sails to help aide us in our direction. We can't look at the rough seas ahead and grow weary, we instead should focus on the light of the calm sea beyond the current storm. It is hope which should drive us, not control.

So, when you are overwhelmed, relinquish control. Lay your burdens down at the feet of God. He who can create from nothing, can heal any burden. Set your eyes on the road ahead and don't let the trappings of stress and the irritations of life derail you from who you are or where you are going. 

Know yourself. Know your goal. Find peace.

Do not go gentle.

Matthew 11:28-30
Isaiah 53:4-6
Psalm 68:19
Galatians 6:2
Proverbs 16:32
James 4:1-2

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